Covid-19 policies

GUIDELINES AND PLAN FOR COVID-19 applicable from March 2020

Out of abundance of caution to slow the spread of virus and keeping DCYF/CDC guidelines in place, Little Wonders Childcare have adopted following procedures and policy to continue to provide safe and healthy environment:

  • Children and staff are not allowed on-site if they have been in close contact with someone who has confirmed COVID 19 in last 14 days or show following symptom of COVID 19
  • cough and shortness of breath, fever of 100.4F or higher, sore throat and chills, Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea, congestion or running nose – not related to seasonal allergies
  • My Responsibility as a Caregiver

  • I have Removed items from daycare that cannot be cleaned and disinfected easily including but not limited to sand box, water play (which we have in summer), stuffed animals, playdough etc.
  • Increased space (head-to-head) between nap mats by 6 ft.
  • Places HEPA air purifier to get rid of allergens and smoke
  • Increased fresh air through the ventilation and increasing outside play time
  • Trying to keep the staff and children consistent during the whole day
  • Trying to keep lowest number of kids possible on the lunch table to avoid family style dining.
  • Sanitizing High traffic areas, doorknobs and common spaces frequently (before and after care and during naptime)
  • Hand washing and sanitizing after every transition/ activity
  • Rotating toys for cleaning everyday
  • Parent’s Responsibility

  • Please wear mask and try to keep 6ft distance from other families/staff during drop-off and pick-up.
  • Use hand sanitizer before and after signing in and signing out.
  • Same adult drop-off and pick-up is encouraged.
  • Requested to avoid non-essential activities in community and inform if anyone in the family or in close contact is sick with symptoms of COVID or tested positive.
  • Staff, family member and provider, are taking following measures:

  • Each staff member will check temperature daily before coming to daycare.
  • No staff member will come to daycare if showing any symptoms of illness and will stay home unless certified by health care professional.
  • If any staff member develops symptoms of illness while working in daycare, then he/she will be immediately isolated from others and will leave the facility as soon as possible.
  • If provider or any other family member, develop signs of sickness, daycare will remain closed unless certified by health care professionals.
  • Avoid non-essential travel and public places.
  • Quarantine Plan:

  • In case anyone in daycare gets affected by COVID, daycare will remain closed for minimum 14 days or as specified by health care providers.
  • Entire facility will be deeply sanitized in addition to regular measures.
  • If a family (including staff members and provider) travels out of state then all the family members need to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to daycare.